Offshore Structural Engineering Scope

Offshore Structural Engineering Scope: A Gateway to Global Engineering Opportunities

Offshore structural engineering deals with designing, constructing, and finding ways to improve and modify marine-based structures which include wind turbines, oil rigs, and others. These structures are used for exploring oil and gas through drilling and mining. Offshore structural engineering also involves the use of specialized materials and methods of construction to make sure the […]

Best Piping Engineering Design Institute in India

ASTS GLOBAL EDUCATION INC Training programs based upon the most modern technologies and technics of Piping engineering design and analysis methods with the help of relevant industry-leading software and technical experts from the related industry. This program is 100% Job oriented and after completion of training candidates can easily start/shift their career into related industries…! […]

Limitless opportunities waiting for you at Hyderabad

ASTS offers the young talents in Hyderabad a golden opportunity to set up a strong career in their city. Students from the engineering field can find growth in their career by studying the course of their choice from ASTS. We basically provide technical courses which help the students in their career. Industries are growing rapidly […]

Study Piping Engineering from your home and shape your career.

Are you dreaming of a well established engineering career? Piping engineering is a stepping stone to your dream career. Piping Engineering is a specialized discipline of Mechanical Engineering which covers the design of piping and layout of equipment and process units in chemical, petrochemical or hydrocarbon facilities. It is an excellent career option for mechanical […]

Inhouse learning started at ASTS Dubai

ASTS GLOBAL EDUCATION INC Is a Pioneer Technical Training Provider from India since 2008 with strong roots in five metro Cities in India and spread its wings over World’s major Industrialhub of Dubai, Singapore, UK and Ireland. In-house training, or internal training, is a type of corporate training that involves the use of a company’s […]