piping engineer salary

Piping Engineer Salary in India

Piping Engineering is one of the prominent fields in the oil & gas, pharmaceutical, refineries, chemical, water, petrochemical, powerplant, and steel sectors. Piping engineering involves the process of designing the piping system to transfer fluids such as water, steam, gas, oil, two-phase mixture, etc from one point to another safely. Every minute detail in designing […]

Best Job-Oriented Short-Term Courses After Mechanical Engineering

5 Best Job-Oriented Short-Term Courses After Mechanical Engineering in 2023

Are you a Fresh Mechanical engineering graduate looking forward to pursuing courses that can help your career growth and development? Confused about which course of settling for due to the numerous courses option available? In this competitive era, just a mechanical engineering degree doesn’t suffice. You need to improve your technical skills, knowledge, and ability […]

Isometric Dimensions, Notes, And Callouts

Length dimensions and informational notes or callouts are used on isometrics to define the pipe’s exact routing through a facility. Placement of dimensions on the drawing establishes precise lengths between fittings, valves, equipment connections, etc. Information such as coordinates, elevations, nozzle projection, pipe size, and pound rating are used to calculate lengths of a run of pipe. […]


Pipe Drafting and Design | An Overview

In the design of an industrial facility, engineers develop process flow sheets, set up project specifications and design or select equipment. The design drafters use the information supplied by engineers and equipment vendors and applies the knowledge and experience gained in the office and field to design and layout the facility. In the design and layout of an industrial complex, thousands of […]

3D Modelling of Piping Systems

One advancement in piping software that has produced a wealth of design and construction possibilities is 3D computer modeling. Though not new, this technology is now available to most PC-based CAD users. Previously, 3D computer modeling could be performed only on expensive mainframe or super-mini computers having large amounts of available memory. Continuous improvements in PC hardware and the availability […]


Piping Design is the detailed specification of the physical piping layout & stress analysis within a process plant or commercial building. it is commonly performed by designers who have learned to use automated computer Aided Drawing/ Computer Aided Design(CAD) Software. piping is used for Marine, transportation, civil engineering and for commercial purpose. Piping is about […]